
Benefits Of Fruit For Eye Health

Benefits Of Fruit For Eye Health. Fruit in the world is really a lot of its kind and it felt different, fruit mempunnyai benefit very much besides have the delicacy also has the function of create health we one is to eye health.
Many who thought that the fruit is just as desserts, but it turns out that the fruit has a function for the health of our eyes. In many types of fruit contained a substance the color components are referred to as beta carotene.

Beta carotene is able to activate pro vitamin A into vitamin A which is good for eye health and enhance the accommodation. Beta carotene is found in fruits especially yellow, orange or reddish.

An example is the fruit of mango, papaya, oranges, apples, watermelon, melon. If the fruit is red, yellow, Orange, Orange was already manifest contains carotene, Green apples and pears also contain beta carotene levels high enough.

In addition to increasing the power of accommodation, the presence of beta carotene in fruits able to treat cataracts even glaucoma. Benefits of fruit for eye health is also played by the presence of such high levels of lutein found in kiwi fruit, banana, guava can also treat cataracts.

High levels of Vitamin C in fruit can also strengthen the connective tissue in the eye area as well as improve blood circulation. Vitamin C also helps improve the durability of the body so as to help the body reduce the occurrence of an infection in the eye.

A few fruits containing essential oils like olive fruit, strawberries are good for the eyes, especially in the process of cleaning the eyes and treat eye inflammations.

It can also treat cataracts. The content of calcium, folate and potassium in some types of oranges, bananas, salak. How great are the benefits of fruit for eye health.