
Benefits Of Blueberry Fruit For The Face

Benefits of blueberry fruit for face | Blueberry fruit is fruit that has a bluish-colored skin and is usually made into the mix on the bread, iced fruit juices dsn. After we've discussed earlier on about the benefits of blueberry fruit for beauty on the article then this time I will discuss about the benefits of fruit blueberries for the face.

If you have been reading about the health benefits of blueberries for the fruit then you will be able to know that the fruit of a blueberry is still one genus with strawberries. This cute little fruit has a fairly complete vitamin like vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber, therefore this fruit into food that must be consumed for some people. Did you know that in addition to beneficial to health, it turns out that blueberry fruit also has benefits for the face.
Benefits Of Blueberry Fruit For The Face Including:

1. prevents premature aging
Atioksidan content in nutritious blueberry fruit to prevent the occurrence of premature aging.

2. Protect the skin from UV sinarn
If you use a fruit mask blueberries regularly every day then this fruit will provide protection to your skin especially from exposure to UV rays produced by the Sun.

3. prevents Acne
as already discussed above that are usually fruit blueberry dioalah into a mixture of breads and fruit juices. You need to know is if you have problems with acne then you can drink fruit juice blueberry regularly to prevent acne.

4. prevent skin wrinkles
Problem skin wrinkles is a problem for womenfolk especially if already entered the age of seniors. You need idak confused even to use drugs to get rid of wrinkles on the face, you can simply use the blueberries and masks as often as possible to consume the fruit is then gradually wrinkles on your face will be reduced even possible your facial skin will tamapak such as age 17 years.

Nutrition experts have done the research and concluded that if consuming blueberry fruit juice regularly then a million benefits of this fruit can you feel especially if you consume this fruit straight from the trees are picked.